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Menu items#


All the menu items can be customized with images, emojis, colors and more. Please refer to customizing menu items

Renders top level menu and allows other menu items inside it.

example of empty menu:

menu("my plugin") {

my plugin

example with menu items:

menu("my plugin") {
  text("item 1")
  link("click me", url="")
my plugin
item 1
click me | href=


Renders a non clickable text menu item.

menu("my plugin") {
  text("item 1")
my plugin
item 1

Renders a clickable link and opens given url.

menu("my plugin") {
  link("click me", url="")
my plugin
click me | href=

Additional Parameters

Param Type Required Default Description
url String Y Url of the link


Renders a shell command. Requires path of the command and its parameters(optional).

menu("my plugin") {
  shellCommand("i will print hello on terminal", executable = "echo", showTerminal=true, params = "hello")
my plugin
i will print hello on terminal | bash="echo" param1="hello" terminal=true refresh=true

Additional Parameters

Param Type Required Default Description
executable String Y Command to be executed
showTerminal Boolean N False Opens terminal and show command output
refresh Boolean N True Refreshes the plugin after command execution
params String* (varargs) N Parameters to command


Renders an action item. A handler for this action must be defined in the plugin. Supports metadata, which will be passed to action handler method.

menu("my plugin") {
  action("say hello", action = "say-hello", showTerminal=true)
  action("send email", action = "send-email", metadata = Some(""))
my plugin
say hello | bash="<SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_PATH>" param1="dispatch" param2="c2F5LWhlbGxv" terminal=true  refresh=true
send email | bash="<SWIFTBAR_PLUGIN_PATH>" param1="dispatch" param2="c2VuZC1lbWFpbA==" param3="am9obkBnb29nbGUuY29t" terminal=false refresh=true

Additional Parameters

Param Type Required Default Description
action String Y Name of the action to invoke
metadata String N None Data to be passed to action handler
showTerminal Boolean N False Opens terminal and show command output
refresh Boolean N True Refreshes the plugin after command execution

Renders a sub-menu with nested menu items. Supports all menu items which are supported in root menu, including another subMenu.

menu("my plugin") {
    text("top level")
    subMenu("another menu") {
      text("nested item")
      subMenu("one more"){
        link("google", "")
        link("bing", "")
my plugin
top level
another menu
--nested item
--one more
----google |
----bing |


--- adds a line to divide menu items into different sections.

menu("my plugin") {
  text("item 1: success")
  text("item 2: success")

  text("item 3: failed")
  text("item 4: failed")
my plugin
item 1: success
item 2: success
item 3: failed
item 4: failed


Note the empty line after ---

This is required in Scala 3

Example of separator
