You are provided with a runtime api which provide basic information about the runtime environment
Runtime object gives you the following information
API | Description |
swiftbarVersion |
SwiftBar version number |
swiftbarBuild |
SwiftBar build number |
pluginsPath |
SwiftBar plugins directory path |
selfPath |
Path of the plugin file being executed |
osAppearance |
Enum - will be either Light or Dark |
osVersion |
MacOS version |
Runtime information will only be available when plugin is executed via SwiftBar
object MyPlugin extends PluginDsl {
menu("my-plugin") {
runtime match {
case None =>
text("Not running via swiftbar")
case Some(r) if r.osVersion is OSVersion.BigSur =>
text("this plugin does not work with BigSur")
case Some(r) =>
text(s"OS version: ${r.osVersion}")
text(s"OS theme: ${r.osAppearance}")
text(s"Plugin file: ${r.pluginFileName}")
OS version: 10.15.7
OS theme: Dark
Plugin file: myplugin.10m.bin
Depending on runtime info, plugin will be rendered differently
Not running via swiftbar
this plugin does not work with BigSur
OS Version#
There are some helpful functions available over runtime.osVersion
def is (version:OSVersion):Boolean
def isNot (version:OSVersion):Boolean
def < (version:OSVersion):Boolean
def <= (version:OSVersion):Boolean
def > (version:OSVersion):Boolean
def >= (version:OSVersion):Boolean
For example,
osVersion <= OSVersion.Catalina
osVersion > OSVersion.BigSur
osVersion isNot OSVersion.Catalina
osVersion is OSVersion.Catalina